Harris in the Outer Hebrides

Isle of Harris -Na Hearadh

Harris, from the old Norse meaning ‘high land’, is often described as the ‘high heart of the Hebrides’. With incredible diversity in its landscape, the East coast is a dramatic, rocky landscape, where it’s hard to imagine how people managed to scrape a living from the land and the sea, whereas the West coast is more conventionally beautiful, with miles of golden sandy beaches and fertile ‘machair’ soil with stunning, mountainous backdrops.

From cliffs, mountains and moorlands to crofts, lochs, meadows and sandy beaches, this is an island ready to exceed all expectations. With the Harris Hills (the highest is the Clisham at 799m) being formed from the oldest rock in the world, Lewisian Gneiss, there is a strange and awe inspiring lunar landscape. In these hills you can find castles nestled in lonely bays, fantastic salmon and trout fishing, golfing, and even tennis, right on the edge of the Atlantic.

Source: VisitHebrides